May 13th, 2020

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced today that the National Warplane Museum located in Geneseo, NY will be conducting a flyover May 16th to honor first responders, healthcare and essential workers. The missions have been named "Operation Thanks From Above" and will overfly key hospitals, Veterans Affairs locations, city centers, parks and other notable venues in the Rochester area.
"Throughout this crisis, our community's employees, families and organizations have had to make sacrifices and changes to their way that life and how they conduct business," said Bello. "We are fortunate to have first responders, healthcare workers and essential employees on our front lines who are ensuring that safety, care and supplies are available to everyone, every day. This flyover salutes our community heroes for their bravery amidst the ongoing pandemic."
The NWM's very own Douglas C-47, affectionately named "Whiskey 7" will lead the mission, accompanied by other aircraft. The Douglas C-47 is a WWII veteran and was the lead aircraft in the second wave of the D-Day invasion on June 6th, 1944 over Ste. Mere Eglise, Normandy. The values associated with this aircraft are bravery, sacrifice, honor and hope so it is only fitting that it will lead the way in reminding our local heroes how appreciated they are.
"This mission is one of many that are taking place across the country and we are honored to be a part of showing our gratitude and support for those on the front lines," said Todd Cameron, a key member of the team organizing the mission and the Director of Flight Operations at the NWM.
Residents in the designated areas will be able to see the flyover from the safety of their homes. If residents do plan to travel to a designated spot for viewing, we ask that they adhere to all social distancing guidelines and also wear a face covering.
A map with locations and times is available on the Operation Thanks From Above Facebook event page. Flight times will be released on Thursday:
About The National Warplane Museum
1941 Historical Aircraft Group DBA National Warplane Museum is a Non-Profit 501(c) (3) chartered by the New York State Board of Regents.