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Principal County Service Officer

Exam #: OC-60023750
Title: Principal County Service Officer
Deadline: April 9, 2025 5:00pm
Exam Date/Time: May 17, 2025 8:30am
Salary: $61,871 - $83,840 annually (Monroe County)

Description of Duties

This is an advisory position in the Veteran's Service Agency responsible for acting as a liaison and representing the Agency to the public and outside agencies, including regulatory and local service organizations.  Duties involve assisting veterans, service personnel, and their dependents to obtain benefits, particularly those cases of a difficult or sensitive nature. The employee reports directly to, and works under general supervision of, the Director of Veteran's Service Agency.  General supervision is exercised over County Service Officers and other subordinate staff.

Minimum Qualifications

Candidates must meet the following minimum requirements on or before the date of the written exam: 

Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma, plus EITHER:

  1. Graduation with an Associate’s degree, plus six (6) years paid full-time or its part-time equivalent* experience as a counselor or social worker with a public or private organization involving the processing of veterans' claims or the performance of advisory and counseling services for veterans; OR,
  2. Eight (8) years paid full-time or its part-time equivalent* experience as defined in (A) above; OR,
  3. An equivalent combination of education and experience as defined by the limits of (A) and (B) above.

NOTE:  Your degree must have been awarded by a college or university accredited by a regional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education/U.S Secretary of Education. If your degree was awarded by an educational institution outside the United States and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. A list of acceptable companies who provide this service can be found on the Internet at http://www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker/degrees.cfm. You must pay the required evaluation fee.

Anticipated Eligibility – Age and Educational Requirements:

According to Civil Service Law, section 54 which became effective September 4, 2024, applicants who are within 12 months of meeting the minimum age or attaining the minimum educational requirements following the date of examination, may take the civil service exam, but will be restricted from certification until such a time that the minimum age or educational requirements are met. Candidates will be required to provide proof of qualifying education and/or age within 12 months of exam date in order to be eligible for appointment from a certified list.

Special Requirements:

Certification at the time of appointment as an Accredited Service Officer by the United States Veterans' Administration through a veterans' service organization.

If you are appointed, you will be required to possess a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in New York State or otherwise demonstrate your capacity to meet the transportation needs of the position.

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