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School Food Services Director I

Exam #: OC-89536010
Title: School Food Services Director I
Deadline: March 26, 2025 5:00pm
Exam Date/Time: May 3, 2025 8:30am
Salary: Varies with other agencies

Description of Duties

This position is responsible for the fiscal and nutritional operations in a school district with a student enrollment of two-thousand four hundred and ninety-nine (2,499) or fewer students, and serves as the school district’s designee for this function to the New York State Education Department.  Duties include planning, directing and administering school food service programs while carrying out policies and establishing procedures for the efficient and economical operation of school food service programs.  The employee reports directly to, and works under the general supervision of a school district administrator with leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment.  General supervision is exercised over staff such as Cook Managers, other school lunch program personnel and clerical employees.

Minimum Qualifications

Candidates must meet the following minimum requirements on or before the date of the written exam: 

Graduation from high school or possession of an equivalency diploma, plus EITHER:

  1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Food and Nutrition, Food Service Management, Dietetics, Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Family and Consumer Sciences, Nutrition Education, Culinary Arts, Business or a closely related field*; OR,
  2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s degree plus a State recognized certificate for school nutrition directors (i.e. a certified dietician or a certified nutritionist per Article 157 of New York State Education Law); OR,
  3. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s degree plus one (1) year paid full-time or its part-time equivalent*** relevant experience in school nutrition programs**; OR,
  4. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s degree with a major in one of the fields listed in (A) above, plus one (1) year paid full-time or its part-time equivalent*** relevant experience in school nutrition programs**; OR,
  5. Three (3) years paid full-time or its part-time equivalent*** relevant experience in school nutrition programs**; OR,
  6. An equivalent combination of education and experience as defined by the limits of (A) and (E) above.

*Closely related fields, for the purposes of these minimum qualifications, is defined as college majors that would provide specific knowledge and skills that are relevant for a school nutrition program director.  Possible majors include, but are not limited to, Food Science, Community Nutrition and Marketing, and Hospitality Management, Business Administration or Business Management. 

**Relevant school nutrition program experience, for the purposes of these minimum qualifications, is experience in a child nutrition program that includes the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Summer Food Service Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program where knowledge of the USDA’s school nutrition program can be demonstrated.

NOTE:  The Professional Standards for State and Local Nutrition Program Personnel are required by the federal Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and corresponding rules which became effective on July 1, 2015.

Anticipated Eligibility – Age and Educational Requirements:

According to Civil Service Law, section 54 which became effective September 4, 2024, applicants who are within 12 months of meeting the minimum age or attaining the minimum educational requirements following the date of examination, may take the civil service exam, but will be restricted from certification until such a time that the minimum age or educational requirements are met. Candidates will be required to provide proof of qualifying education and/or age within 12 months of exam date in order to be eligible for appointment from a certified list.

Special Requirements:

Candidates must complete eight (8) hours of food safety training not more than five (5) years prior to their starting date of employment, or within thirty (30) days of their start date or otherwise be separated from the position.  Verification of training is the responsibility of the appointing authority.

If you are appointed, you will be required to have a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in New York State or otherwise demonstrate your capacity to meet the transportation needs of the position.

Candidates will be required to pass a pre-employment drug test for employment with Monroe County Government

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