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Fire Chief - Airport
Description of Duties
This is a supervisory position responsible for the direction and supervision of firefighting and crash rescue activities for the Monroe County Department of Aviation located at the Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport. Duties include responding to emergency calls at any time, working in high degrees of heat, stress and noise, assigning duties to Firefighters – Airport, and the protection of life and property. Duties also include performing code enforcement activities relating to fire and life safety systems. The employee reports directly to, and works under the general supervision of the Director of Aviation while exercising independent judgment when responding to emergency situations. General supervision is exercised over Firefighters - Airport and Fire Captains - Airport.
Minimum Qualifications
Candidates must be permanently employed in the competitive class at the Monroe County Department of Aviation and must have served continuously for twenty-four (24) months holding the position of Fire Captain - Airport immediately preceding the date of the written test. Provisional time served immediately before a permanent appointment to the same title(s) will be credited.