Henry Herdzik, P.E.
Chief of Highway & Bridge Engineering
6100 City Place
50 W. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: 585-753-7700
Fax: 585-753-7730
[email protected]
The Transportation Engineering and Permits Division is responsible for the programming, administration, design, engineering, and construction supervision of capital highway, bridge, and culvert improvement projects; overseeing the quadrennial inspections of bridges, culverts, and retaining walls; managing guiderail design, installation, and inspection; overseeing operation and maintenance of the Irondequoit Bay Outlet Bridge (IBOB); plan and traffic impact report (TIR) review and approval for developments on County roads and City streets; and issuing permits for work performed in the County right-of-way and associated field inspections.
This Division includes two (2) Sections:
- Highway and Bridge Engineering Section
- Highway Permits Section
On This Page
Highway and Bridge Engineering Section
The Highway and Bridge Engineering Section is responsible for:
- Planning, programming, pursuing funding, and administering the design and construction of Captial Improvement highway, bridge, and culvert projects.
- Review and coordination of installation and replacement of traffic features (signs, pavement markings, and traffic signal) for City of Rochester street projects.
- Guiderail and retaining wall design, installation, and inspection.
- Quadrennial inspection of 192 bridges (116 solely owned and maintained by Monroe County DOT, 60 co-maintained by New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Thruway Authority, CSX, and Kodak, and 16 maintained by other agencies such as Monroe County Airport, Monroe County Parks, and Towns), and 344 major culverts. This effort yields the annual maintenance list and assists in prioritization of future Capital Improvement projects.
Highway Permits Section
The Highway Permits Section issues and inspects permits for all new development in the County right-of-way to ensure a safe and efficient roadway system, while allowing for economic and community growth. This Section conducts design reviews of proposed highway developments, issues highway permits, inspects the work performed by permittees, maintains records, collects permit fees, and ensures contractor conformance with County requirements. This Section is also responsible for the review of all City site plans that necessitate a traffic engineering review.
Highway Permit Guidelines and Forms
The Monroe County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Highway Access Guidelines have been prepared to assist and guide residents and developers (or their representatives) through the permit review, issuance, and inspection phases of the highway permit process. These requirements and policies must be complied with at all times in connection with residential and commercial development within Monroe County. The Highway Access Guidelines and permit forms are linked below. For a copy of an annual permit or to request additional forms, please call the Permits Office at 585-753-7710.
- Highway Access Guidelines (PDF)
- 136 Highway Permit (PDF) — Permit under section 136 Highway Law.
- 136 Permit - Utility Prevailing Wage Form
- 239-F Permit (PDF) — Includes Building Consent Request, General Municipal Law.
- Application for Special Hauling Permit (PDF)
- Permit Fee Worksheet (PDF) — New Effective 1/1/2025
- 2025 Pavement Moratorium List — for roads treated in 2020 - 2024.
- Proof of Insurance — Summary of vendor insurance requirements.
- Procedures and Special Conditions for Installation of Artwork on Traffic Signal Cabinets (PDF)
- Temporary Public Memorials in the Monroe County Right-of-Way (PDF)
- Driveway Culvert & Piping Installation Certification (PDF)
Municipal Sidewalk Funding Application
This application may be used by municipalities in Monroe County to request partial funding for the installation of sidewalks along County Roads that will be designed, constructed, and maintained by local municipalities. Fully completed applications (electronic submissions preferred), concept plans and conceptual cost estimate should be submitted to the attention of Henry Herdzik at MCDOT. A link to the application is below:
- Municipal Sidewalk Funding Application (PDF) Word Version (DOCX)
- Municipal Sidewalk Funding Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) Template (PDF)
Parade Permits
When a County road is to be closed or used for an event such as a parade or race (foot, bicycle, etc.), a Parade Permit is required from MCDOT, and an approval letter (not an actual 136 highway permit) will be issued. Please call 585-753-7710 or email [email protected].
The following information must be provided:
1. Name of event and purpose for closure.
2. Name of organization and individual (including title), along with mailing address.
3. Date and start/end times of event.
4. Complete route of the event, including start/end points. Indicate limits of each County road that will be impacted. Links to Highway Map and Highway System Listing are on MCDOT’s home page (under Mission Statement): https://www.monroecounty.gov/dot
5. Indicate if a road closure is requested, or if the event will use the road with the road remaining open to traffic. Road usages must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the event. Full closures and usages that impact multiple municipalities will require additional review, and must be submitted at least 6 weeks before event.
6. Indicate who will be providing traffic control, such as a police agency (be specific) or a Town DPW.
7. Include a map of the route and any literature/pamphlets for the event.
Notable Bridges in Monroe County
Documents & Maps
- Monroe County Bridge Inventory
- Maintenance Jurisdiction Table of Bridges within Monroe County
- Height Clearance and Restricted Bridge Posting
- Map of Bridges & Culverts
- Map of Guiderail Locations
MCDOT Standard Details & NYSDOT Specifications
MCDOT Standard Details
Monroe County DOT Standard Details are used to detail work to be constructed within the County Right of Way. The details are used by consultants, developers, contractors, utilities, and homeowners for work on County highways and bridges, and for any other permitted work within the County Right of Way. All details are in English units. The details may be used for preparing permit applications or contract documents for capital improvement and maintenance projects.
View Monroe County DOT Standard Details
NYSDOT Specifications
Monroe County DOT now utilizes New York State DOT (NYSDOT) specifications for all construction work within the County Right of Way. These include NYSDOT standard specifications, special specifications, and locally approved special specifications. County-specific specifications are no longer in use. NYSDOT specifications shall be used in preparing contract documents for capital improvement projects, maintenance projects, and permit developments. All County projects are designed and constructed using English units of measurement.
NYSDOT specifications can be found below:
- NYSDOT Standard Specifications with Updates
- NYSDOT Special Specifications
- NYSDOT Locally Approved Special Specifications
- NYSDOT Pay Item Catalog
Bridge Operation Videos:
Irondequoit Bay Outlet Bridge (IBOB) Operation - November 1, 2022
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
As part of Monroe County's responsibility as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Operator, Monroe County DOT has developed, implemented, and enforces a program to ensure that construction sites with total land disturbance equal to or greater than 1 acre are effectively controlled per New York State DEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from MS4s (Permit No. GP-0-24-001). The intent of this program is to prevent pollutants from construction related activities, as well as promote the proper planning and installation of post-construction stormwater management practices (SMPs). Please email ([email protected]) or call (585-753-7700) MCDOT to report any complaints related to construction stormwater activity. Additional resources related to stormwater can be found below: