Tdap - A Shot For Adults To Protect Babies

Cases of pertussis - also known as whooping cough - continue to be seen in Monroe County. Pertussis is very contagious and can cause serious illness and sometimes death in infants who have yet to be vaccinated and therefore are unprotected.

Close contacts of infants and young children should get a Tdap shot to stay healthy and to prevent contracting and spreading the illness. Close contacts include:  new parents, grandparents, day care workers and health care workers.

The Monroe County Health Department administers Tdap shots at its general Immunization Clinic on Wednesdays, from Noon - 7 pm.  Please plan to arrive by 6 p.m. to assure you are seen. This is a walk-in clinic. No appointment is necessary. Other vaccinations are given during this time. Please bring any insurance cards that you have.

In addition to Wednesdays, additional dates are scheduled on a weekly basis. To learn the additional clinic dates, please call 753-5150
