2025 Community Festival Support Application For Funding

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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello is proud to support the vibrant festivals and events that help make Monroe County an exciting place to live, work, and visit. This is the fourth year Monroe County is offering dedicated funding to support local festivals and events, through the Community Festival Support Program. This funding is part of the County Executive’s continued commitment to support the arts and cultural sector that fuels our creative economy. 

Monroe County’s 2025 Budget allocated at least $350,000 for the Community Festival Support Program. This funding is in addition to expanded commitments to mid-sized arts organizations, tourism and municipally owned event spaces, and larger arts, cultural, and educational entities.

Community Festival Funding Application Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When are applications due?

Applications will be open from March 7, 2025 through April 4, 2025.
Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 2025.

When are awards announced? 

Award decisions will be announced in April 2025. If an organization is selected to receive funding exceeding $20,000, Community Festival Support funding will be contingent upon legislative approval.

What festivals or events are eligible for this funding?

Festivals or events seeking Community Festival Support funding must meet the following guidelines:

  • Festival or event that fits into one or more of the following categories:
    • Events or festivals related to armistice, memorial, or other recognized national patriotic observance (This may include festivals that recognize Independence Day, veterans or celebrations of state, territorial or national pride, among others);  
    • Events or festivals that commemorate historical events of county-wide interest and concern (This may include festivals that recognize the historical contributions of individuals or cultural organizations, or milestone anniversaries for organizations relevant to Monroe County, among others);
    • Events or festivals that provide for the maintenance and operation of a professional symphony or philharmonic orchestra, musical festival, or vocal, dance, drama, or performing arts troupe, group or activity of any kind or nature (This may include festivals that showcase music, arts or other performances, among others); 
    • Events or festivals that publicize the advantages of the County (This may include festivals that highlight the unique features of Monroe County or encourage tourism within Monroe County, among others) 
  • Festival or event must have a free component for the public.
  • Festival or event will take place between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025.
  • Festival or event will serve at least 1,000 people. 
  • Festival or event must be located in Monroe County, New York. 

What festivals or events are NOT eligible for this funding?

The following types of festivals or events are not eligible for funding:

  • Parades 
  • Block parties 
  • Trade shows, conventions, conferences, workshops, etc. 
  • Indoor-ticketed concert, show, theatrical performance, exhibit, etc. 
  • Annual luncheon, conference, holiday party, etc.
  • Class or family reunions. 
  • Sports tournaments, running or cycling races, school or athletic league, etc. 
  • Events hosted by other municipalities and governmental districts.

Can I have a fiduciary organization apply on behalf of my organization?

No. All organizations must have their own legal standing.

How much funding is available for festivals and events? 

There is $350,000 in funding available.

Can I apply for in-kind support?

Yes, in addition to funding, you can apply for waived or reduced rental fees for a lodge or shelter in a Monroe County park. 

If you intend to request usage of a Monroe County Parks facility you will need to reach out to their office directly. Information is available at www.monroecounty.gov/parks

How much money can my organization receive?

Organizations may request Community Festival Support at any level. However, final allocations will be determined by a review committee and depend upon several factors, including the number of organizations that apply. Any award above $20,000 will require approval by the Monroe County Legislature.

What insurance will I need to receive Community Festival Support funding?

All festivals must provide proof of insurance in order to qualify. Monroe County requires four types of insurance:

General Liability Insurance – coverage must include single limits of liability in the amount of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate coverage. Such coverage is proven by a Certificate of Insurance which can be supplied by your insurance agent.  

Automobile Liability Insurance – coverage must include a $1,000,000 minimum for each occurrence. Such coverage is proven by a Certificate of Insurance which can be supplied by your insurance agent.   (If grantee does not own or rent vehicles, then grantee must complete an Insurance Waiver Affidavit included in the application)

Download Waiver

Workers Compensation Insurance – For more information on NYS Workers Compensation insurance go to www.wcb.ny.gov/content/onlineforms/obtainC105.jsp

Disability Benefits and Paid Family Leave Benefits Insurance -
For more information on Disability Benefits and Paid Family Leave Benefits Insurance forms go to www.wcb.ny.gov/content/main/forms/Forms_db_carrier_self_insurer.jsp

If a grantee does not have any employees they must apply for a Certificate of Attestation of Exemption (CE-200) to prove a business is not required to carry New York workers' compensation and/or New York disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Insurance. Grantees can apply for a CE-200 at www.businessexpress.ny.gov/app/answers/cms/a_id/2263/kw/ce-200).

If you have questions regarding this application kindly reach out to festivalandartsgrant@monroecounty.gov or (585) 753-2050.

If you need assistance filling out this application in a language other than English, you can contact languageaccess@monroecounty.gov for assistance with language accommodation.

Important Dates & Instructions

Application Launch. The Community Festival Support application will launch on March 7, 2025

Application Deadline.  Electronic submissions are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 2025

Internal Review.  April 2025

Funding Decisions Announced. April 2025

Essential Information

  • Events applying under this cycle must take place between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025, which is the County’s fiscal year.
  • Events applying for support shall use this application and abide by its deadlines.
  • NOTE: County Festival Support Program County Funds are limited to $350,000.
  • It is within the County’s sole discretion to determine which events to fund, whether to approve recurring events and to determine the level of support for every event. The County will review all applications, all factors listed in this webinar, the application and on the County Festival Support website and any other relevant information needed to determine.


  • All proposals SHALL be submitted via electronic submission on the County portal by the above deadline, including the proposal, budget form and Community Festival Support summary form. 
  • Any submission that includes an incomplete application or insufficient supporting documentation will be eliminated from consideration.

Types of Support the County Can Provide

  • County support will be a reimbursement grant, which shall be paid after the event has been held and upon submission of paid receipts. Applicants should be prepared to provide their own funding for expenses that must be paid before the event. Applicants may also apply for in-kind support through waived fees for using Monroe County park shelters or lodges. In-kind support is subject to application completion and venue availability. 

Reviewing Applications and Funding Awards

  • Part of the review process may be a gather information from external stakeholders, including but not limited to (or such as) neighborhood organizations, community groups, the business community, law enforcement agencies, fire departments and other entities that may be impacted by or needed for the event, or participate in its coordination, including local law enforcement agencies and fire departments. 
  • All funding over $20,000 is subject to the County Legislature’s final approval.

