New Parks Field Reservation Request

Complete the form below to request a recreation field reservation within Monroe County Parks. Reservations must be made at least 21 days prior to your activity/program.
Seasonal Fee: Adults $175, Youth $100 per Field/Weekday · Individual Day Fee: $35 per Field/Day
Event Name *
Organization *
Contact Name: *
Address *
City, State, Zip: *
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Phone #s: *
Event Info: *       Total # Teams:    Total # People (inc. players, coaches & spectators):
 Add Fields/Seasons/Dates

Finish Reservation Request

Total Price:
Total price is an ESTIMATE and reservation is not final until The Parks Department contacts you to arrange payment.
Total: $0.00
Agreement: * Rules, Regulations and Additional Information: You do not have permission for field use until you receive a signed permit. The permit only allows you and your team / league to play. YOU MAY NOT GIVE YOUR PERMIT TO OTHERS. The County Parks do NOT line fields or supply any equipment. All marking must be non-permanent. All parks are Carry-In, Carry-Out. We reserve the right to postpone or cancel any field usage that could do permanent damage to our fields. Park Supervisors will alert us if the field conditions are not appropriate, and we will contact you. If you have doubts about the field conditions, contact us or the Park Supervisor, whose phone number is listed on your Permit. Your group/event may be required to rent Shelter and/or Lodge facilities at an additional cost in order to accommodate your League or Tournament’s parking needs. If you fail to comply with this agreement, you will be evicted from the park, with no refund.